I am back!! Wew, mood2an juga maw nge-blog. Uda jarang nulis nih. Selain sibuk, emang uda ga kepikiran nge-blog lagi. Ampe lupa ada blog. Hehe.
Boring juga sih akhir-akhir ini, kesannya idup gitu terus. Kuliah, organisasi, makan, tidur, debat, les. Gitu-gitu aja. Perlu surprise nih, biar ada variasi. Kepikiran sih maw kerja, tapi kira-kira kerja apa ya yang cocok buat gw? Bingung. Jadi guru aja kali ya? Les? Sekolah? Mawnya sekolah sih, biar pasti, cuma dimana ya yang ada lowongan part-time teacher? Hmm...Kasi ide donk, lowongan juga boleh :D
Btw, ini ada list vocabulary inggris baru. Unik-unik lho, lumayan buat nambah perbendaharaan kata. Coba dipakai ya di percakapan sehari-hari, biar inget.
Boring juga sih akhir-akhir ini, kesannya idup gitu terus. Kuliah, organisasi, makan, tidur, debat, les. Gitu-gitu aja. Perlu surprise nih, biar ada variasi. Kepikiran sih maw kerja, tapi kira-kira kerja apa ya yang cocok buat gw? Bingung. Jadi guru aja kali ya? Les? Sekolah? Mawnya sekolah sih, biar pasti, cuma dimana ya yang ada lowongan part-time teacher? Hmm...Kasi ide donk, lowongan juga boleh :D
Btw, ini ada list vocabulary inggris baru. Unik-unik lho, lumayan buat nambah perbendaharaan kata. Coba dipakai ya di percakapan sehari-hari, biar inget.
- lampoon: composition that imitates or misrepresents someone's style
- sanguine: optimistic, cheerful
- acute: serious; pervasive
- temerity: unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger.
- parry: deflect a blow
- martial: pertaining to war
- bilk: defraud, cheat, or swindle.
- equine: of horses and hoofed animals.
- incisive: penetrating, sharp, cutting.
- pedestrian: walker; also, unimaginative.
- ululate: to howl; to wail.
- tetchy: peevish; testy; irritable.
- inanition: exhaustion from lack of nourishment; also, emptiness.
- esoteric: intended or understood by chosen few.
- scintilla: a tiny amount; a spark.
- cormorant: a gluttonous or greedy person.
- libation: the act of pouring a liquid as a sacrifice; also, a beverage.
- elucidate: to make clear or manifest.
- florid: flushed with red; also, excessively ornate.
- diatribe: a bitter verbal attack.
- veracity: truth, truthfulness.
- pithy: concise and forceful in description.
- spoonerism: the transposition of usually initial sounds in a pair of words.
- thaumaturgy: the performing of miracles or magic.
- tumult: the commotion or agitation of a crowd.
- propinquity: nearness.
- feckless: ineffective; weak; worthless.
- velleity: a slight wish or inclination.
- osculation: the act of kissing; a kiss.
- ludic: playful.
- contretemps: something inopportune or embarrassing.
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