Today, gw dapet suatu pengalaman dimana gw merasa hopeless dan quite disappointed. Efeknya sebenarnya tidak terlalu besar, karena gw masi keep the hope fire up. I don't know if it is right or wrong, but what I know is, I am doing the best I can do. I am just go for my dream and it is my right to have expectation upon the dream.

I just wanna share, that hopeless and disappointment are not the end of the world. There must be something behind it, God has design everything for us. Sometimes we feel that what happen to us is bad, just because it is not inherent with our interest. We have to realize, that nothing is perfect in this world, including our life plan. Man can only struggle to get something, but everything is on God's hand. We have to be ready for everything, and just try to get used to it. Good and bad experience teach us to learn, to adapt, and to say thank you on any situation.

For any people that may read this and feel hopeless now, i would say, be strong. You're in the test, the lesson that given by the God. You have to be pleased, because you get a new lesson of life. It is a process, to shape our personality. People become wise, become mature, is not in one night. They have through a rough process to be a adoreable person like now. And so do we now. Just go with the flow, go follow the process, and we will develop, into a better person.

Hope it can help you. Good night! ^^
2 Responses
  1. wenwen Says:

    kata"nya bgus nih.. dalemmmmmm..

    bener juga baca" blog skalian belajar inggris.. haha..

    naizz post.. keep posting yh =)

  2. Winchris Says:

    waaah, fans blog g nih..
    lw post experience juga dunk mell..
    jgn lagu mulu, g bingung maw comment apa..
    klo lw comment blog g mulu kan, jadi ngerasa utang gw..

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